Principles for a Successful Marriage - Whether You're Waiting for Marriage or Need a Marriage Refresh

"Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom." - Song of Solomon 2:15
Have you ever really unpacked this verse? I know I've heard of it and been confused by it and read it before, but it wasn't illuminated for me until I stumbled across it this past week.
What it means to me is this: fix little issues before they become big issues. And this book, The 10 Commandments of Marriage, is a great resource to help with that.
Based on 10 principles for a successful marriage, this book will help prepare you for marriage if you are engaged and refresh your marriage if you've been married for a long time.
Some topics are hard to swallow, especially if it's a weak spot for you. Some of these great principles include:
- Thou Shalt Make Conflict Thy Ally
- Thou Shalt Forgive Thy Mate--490 Times and More
- Thou Shalt Romance the Home
- Thou Shalt Build a Winning Team
With 10 commandments to focus on, it's easy to digest and work on certain issues (even to focus on certain chapters that you can relate to and easily apply to your marriage).
I see ways that what I've learned from this book can be extended to all of my relationships. Ed Young's tone is easy to read, with an experienced kind of wisdom backing it. It's Bible-based and grounded by an author who has a deep understanding of marriage and ministry.
Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
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