Gripping Tale of Paul and Luke's Bravery

Paul Apostle Of Christ
I think I'm living in the golden age of faith-based movies. Years ago, it was big news that The Passion of the Christ was hitting theatres; now, it isn't unusual to see high-quality Christian films (with high-profile actors like James Faulkner and Jim Caviezel) such as this one alongside others at the theatre.

I had high hopes for Paul, Apostle of Christ, and it did not fail to deliver. This film was crafted carefully, filmed beautifully, and immerses viewers in a  point of time that we may not be very familiar with. Paul is imprisoned, facing his ultimate death sentence, and the early church is struggling. This movie unpacks the reason behind Paul's writings and how many of them became available to us in the New Testament. Altogether, it's a gripping tale of Paul and Luke's bravery and trust in God in times of difficulty.

Though a Christian all my life, I never truly knew how much of the New Testament was formed. I knew Luke and I knew Paul, but this film gave me a better understanding of who they were and what they did. 

The depth of persecution the early church went through was greatly unknown to me. Some images in this film are disturbing to see; the sometimes brutal treatment of Christians forced me to look away. The brutality gave me a much better idea of the tragedy the early church had to endure and the burden Paul himself had to carry. 

While a story of desperation, it's also a story of hope. I found it very inspiring to see what God does with those who dedicate their lives to them. It ultimately gave me new perspective on what so many did for the endurance of our faith. 

Familiar names arise through the movie (Titus, Timothy, Aquila, Priscilla) that tickled my fancy. (It's like you have an inside scoop.) Also, scripture is quoted throughout - some passages from the Old Testament that early Christians would know and some of Paul's own words that I recognized from the New Testament. 

In all, if you desire a better understanding of Paul's life and the struggles of the early church, I recommend you watch this film. It's one that will open the minds of believers and unbelievers alike. 

Film has been provided courtesy of Sony Entertainment Releasing Canada (Affirm Films) and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.


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