A Beautiful, Heart-Wrenching Reminder of God's Faithfulness

I've always been drawn to the story of Hannah. Haven't we all experienced, at some time in our lives, wondering if God really hears our prayers?

The story of Hannah beautifully showcases God's faithfulness. And in A Passionate Hope: Hannah's Story, it's thoroughly unpacked. It's easy to fall in love with Hannah in this book; she grows from a passionate young bride into a disheartened woman as she discovers she is barren--but her faith in God is always strong. After years of childlessness, her faithful, loving husband, Elkanah, marries Peninnah, who bears children, but treats Hannah terribly. Readers witness the corruption of Shiloh's priests and truly understand the deep need for a deliverer. It's painful to watch unfold and your heart will break with Hannah's as her story takes shape.

This is a story almost everyone can relate to. Haven't we all cried out to God and wondered why He hasn't seemed to hear us? Reading this book was a good reminder to me that God is faithful and His ways are far beyond mine. I enjoyed seeing this familiar story in a more personal light through A Passionate Hope

I'm not the biggest fan of the cover of this book, since, to me, Hannah looks a bit too modern, but that aside, the text is what counts--and the text is thought-provoking and engaging. I found myself being led closer to God while reading this story and finding encouragement in casting my cares upon God and just trusting Him.

Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.


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