Fresh Encouragement You Need

Do you ever find that authors publish books at just the right time to speak to something in your life? That's been the case with Tankersley and me. This book spoke right to my heart. Always We Begin again is the encouragement I needed just now (and--let's be honest--you could probably use some encouragement too).
First things first--how beautiful is this book? A sharp black, silver, and gold hardcover with gorgeous fonts; one look at this book and you want to pick it up. Inside, you'll find 100 days of readings in perfectly digestible chunks. Each one starts with a Bible verse, then a devotional, and closes with a call-out question or thought. Some of these questions are meant for you to consider and some are framed as a conversation starter with God. This is the place where real application and growth happens and I love that!
While the daily readings allow you to savor the content, prepare to devour it. And then wait eagerly for Tankersley's next release.
Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
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