Comic + Bible = Awesome!
This is one cool Bible. With full-page, full-color, glossy images, this makes the Word really fun, especially for kids that may not have grown up with the message. It is more of a storybook than a Bible, but one that kids will want to look at again and again. I also enjoyed it as an adult who likes comics.
Extras, beyond the stories include:
- Introduction to the Bible with details outlining the Old and New Testaments
- A graphical timeline of events
- Maps outlining where events took place
- Hero Profiles, which outline key heroes
Clocking in at 642 pages, this substantial book feels like a Bible (though it doesn't have every Bible story in there). I liked that it goes into depth beyond predicable heroes like Moses, Samson, and Jesus, and includes Ruth, Job, Nehemiah, and even Ezra.
Kids that can read on their own will devour this Bible. It's fun, entertaining, and enlightening.
Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
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