Bible Based Encouragement and Motivation

From the start of this book, I felt challenged to be a better person. And not just in the "self-gratifying" way, but in a really challenging way. I could see that I have shortcomings and need to work on being a "Yes Sister."
Yes Sisters is a motivating, conversational book on how to develop positive relationships, leverage the power of these friendships, and become an affirming, encouraging influence for those around you.
Each chapter begins with a verse, delves into a friendly-toned chapter on the topic, and includes "A Word From a Yes Sister" between each chapter. I loved the Biblical basis of each chapter, the encouraging tone, and the real-life stories sprinkled throughout.
This book took me on a journey of affirmation and encouragement through to motivating me to become an encouragement to those God has placed in my life. And I think that's important. A lot of these books stop at "You are Worthy" and neglect to spurn you to action. This one is different. And if you need a little Bible-based encouragement, pick it up!
Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
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