50 Simple Secrets to a Happy Life

Luci Swindoll's Simple Secrets to a Happy Life was a great, easy-to-read book. First of all, this book is aesthetically appealing--the cover and the font choice inside are very well-done and add to the book. Of course, I also enjoyed the content. Swindoll separates the 50 secrets into 5 sub-topics: from the basics like loving your father and mother to learning more about yourself and enriching your life experience. Each of the 50 secrets make up a short chapter, where Luci describes a memory from her life or a lesson she has learned. I liked this format, as it's simple to take one on every day and apply it to the day.

This book is not very in-depth about its secrets; they're often a simple three pages, but enough to still inspire the reader. If you're looking to challenge yourself or enrich your life, this book would be a great help! It would really work as a 50-day challenge to try a new Swindoll suggestion every day.

I received this book for free from the publisher through the BookSneeze.com book review program. I wasn’t required to write a positive review, and these opinions are my own.


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