This Book Offers the Kind of Hope That Won't Run Out

I think we've all been there. And you know what? In those moments, I find that's when God reminds me of His sovereignty and how He has it all figured out.
If you need a tangible reminder of God's power, try reading a few of the devotionals in Words of Hope for Women. This book is filled with 90 devotionals that will encourage you and remind you of the hope you can find in God.
Each devotional starts with a verse or two, and follows with about a page and a half of a reading. I love the size, because it gives me the option to truly meditate on the devotional if I want to, or simply read through without feeling more stressed about my hectic day. Even more, this book offers the kind of hope that doesn't run out or change depending on your circumstances.
If you know someone who is struggling (or if you're feeling discouraged!), pick up this book for them. Chances are, this pocket-sized read will have some words of hope they need to hear.
Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
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