Stale Marriage? Read This!

It's a reminder we all need. Love your spouse. Don't things always get a little stale after a while? Well, I can attest that this book will change things.
100 Words of Affirmation Your Husband Needs to Hear is packed with 100 simple phrases that can help your husband feel loved. Each item starts with the phrase and has a page or two of a real-life example from the author, expanding on the item. Some ideas include saying things like "Thank you for all the work you do" or "Will you hold my hand?"
I love the cover; I love the quick, practical items; but most of all, I love that this really does make a difference.
After reading a few of the ideas, I tried it out (sidenote: make sure you're being genuine!). Immediately, I felt warmth and affection between us. It was like magic!
Bottom line is, I'm not a perfect wife. And I won't ever be. But I am so grateful for the reminders in this book to constantly be loving my husband and looking for ways to honor him. And this book makes it so fun, easy, and practical.
Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
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