Soul-to-Soul Writing and Vulnerability

Do you ever read a book and wish you'd read it a little more slowly? Savored the words a little bit longer?
That was my experience with Begin Again. What a read. God took Leeana Tankersley's writing and breathed into my heart His words.
Begin Again is an invitation to start living your life a little more freely; opening up yourself from hurt and surrendering to God for rest. Tankersley shares in her personal journey to this self-forgiveness and release and practices that equipped her on this journey.
With Tankersley's soul-to-soul style writing and outpouring of vulnerability, it's easy to feel like you're talking with an old friend.
There were some moments I had while reading this that made me take pause. Scripture I'd never heard interpreted in a certain way...or a thought I had to pursue. That was beautiful. I also really loved the epilogue, which is full of practices for beginning again--prayers, breathing exercises, physical actions, etc. It gives readers some takeaways, after hearing about a journey to rest, that they can apply to their own lives. I highly recommend for anyone who can identify with the title and the need to "Begin Again."
Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
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