Encouraging, Beautiful, and Heartbreaking all at Once

You probably can't tell from my last 3 blog posts, but I'm in the mood for Christmas.
I know. I know!
Here's the thing: it's easy to get caught up in the idea that Christmas is a good time because it's shiny and happy. It might be those things, but Christmas goes so much deeper than that. And it's a good time to think about giving of yourself.
This book, while not exactly a Christmas read (definitely a year-round kind of read!), is a reminder to me that instead of unwrapping gifts, we are to be gifts.
Following along the theme of her other books - One Thousand Gifts and The Broken Way - this book highlights Voskamp's poetic writing (from both her blog and The Broken Way), paired with gorgeous photography as well as call-out verses and quotes. The result is a book that moves you.
This book seemed to fall into my life at the perfect time, speaking truth just when I needed it. Each sentence takes a moment to fully digest and it's the type of book to slowly pace through. This book is encouraging, beautiful, and heartbreaking all at once.
Technically, this book is a thick, square book with a nice hard cover. The pages are thick and full-color images are strewn throughout. It's a beautiful book and would make a nice gift for anyone (it's one of these lovely coffee-table or guest room books that you pick up on a whim). A bonus is a listing of "be the gift" ideas to enrich your own life and perforated gift tags to use tucked in the back.
While I've read One Thousand Gifts before, I haven't read The Broken Way - after seeing the excerpts in this book, I know I need to pick it up.
Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
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