Devotions to Lighten Your Mother Load
Out of the Spin Cycle has 40 fresh devotions to uplift mothers. Each devotional runs about 3-4 pages, most with thoughtful questions to consider at the end and a "Step of of the Spin Cycle" action item to take. Bible passages are interspersed among the content of each devotion.
I like the visually appealing cover and font--the inside has some nice touches as well, but the content is what really sold it for me.
Before getting this book, I'd heard of Jen Hatmaker, but I'd never read her books before. I loved her style. It's very conversational, sometimes laugh-out-loud funny, but always deep with meaning. All at once, these devotions are light-hearted and poignant. I think it's the perfect balance for a book like this. The subject is on-point, and though a book like this could seem repetitive, it isn't. It's encouraging and fresh from start to finish.
I really recommend Moms to take the time to pick up this book. It will keep you spiritually centered and give you a bit of refreshment during your day.
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
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