To Everything a Season - Book Review
I was a little disappointed in this book, but not because I didn't enjoy the story. I think it's because I expected something a little different.
Going by the front and back cover, I figured this book was the story of Miriam and Trygve's relationship, centered in the town of Blessing. Instead, this story was about the people of the town of Blessing, with a small side-story of Miriam and Trygve (Miriam isn't even introduced until halfway through the book).
Because I was expecting something else, it was a bit hard to get into this book--it seemed to me that there were a lot of different characters and I couldn't keep track of who was who and where they all fit in. After I was partway through the story, I realized that this book was building off of Snelling's other series' centered in Blessing and those characters' stories. Had I known this book was more of a sequel to or continuation of the other books, I would have understood it a bit better.
If you've read other books based on members of the Bjorklund clan, or based in the town of Blessing, this book would be the perfect read. It's also a great read if you're just looking for a nice story about a few families in the quaint town of Blessing. However, if you're expecting a romantic story, this isn't the right book for you.
Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
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