One Lost Sheep - Book Review
Margaret Spengler's soft, pastel-like illustrations give the book a dreamy feel. I like how all the sheep have character (children will enjoy looking at every one and the other animals in the scenes) and how they look very soft and fluffy. While the story could get scary (the sheep is lost, after all) it never seems that way because of the peaceful illustrations.
The easy-to-read sentences make it ideal for younger children or those just learning to read. They will be able to grasp the story and enjoy reading along.
I loved how the story doesn't end after the shepherd finds the lost sheep. Gowler Greene is sure to include that like that shepherd, God watches us, too. It's so important for children (and adults!) to learn and know this lesson, and this book is a great way to help children learn just how much God loves them.
Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
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