A lovely holiday story to curl up and read
This was a lovely story to curl up and read. I really enjoy Melody Carlson’s Christmas novellas because of both the themes and the length. You can actually finish them during a busy holiday season! And her stories always seem to take me to a fun place, like this Christmas tree farm! I did enjoy watching Gavin and Madison's relationship grow as well.
It was a sweet, light read. I think if it were a longer story, I would have preferred some more depth to the characters. For instance, Madison's sister Addie is pretty sassy and unlikeable for the whole story. And their Mom too. It's almost a caricature rather than a realistic person. I didn't really like that Madison was always right and a victim, either. I think there's a bit more give and take in real life.
As well, while this is a very clean story, it only mentions church and God near the last third of the book--so not too deep there either. I did like that prayer and God was introduced though. I think I personally just prefer when it's part of the characters' growth throughout the book.
Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
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