Gentle Reminders to Show Yourself Grace
As with a lot of books I pick up, I was immediately attracted to the beautiful appearance of this book. The beautiful pink hardcover with gold lettering instantly caught my eye. And that look extends to the inside as well—full-page, color photography and timeless cursive font make this book elegant to page through.
But this book is so much more than an eye-catching coffee table book. The content inside is what really makes it beautiful.
Slow Growth Equals Strong Roots is loaded with gentle reminders to slow down and show yourself grace. Set up as a conversational devotional, each chapter includes a passage of scripture, relatable story, and closes with prayer. In all, there are about 35 entries, split into four parts that align with growth.There is so much to take in from this book—it's definitely not one you need to read in one day (or a month for that matter, although you easily could). I found myself slowly digesting and meditating on the lessons and re-reading chapters because I could relate so deeply to what the author was saying.
And I think this is a very timely book. These days, it feels like our worth so often comes from our abilities and achievements. But this book offers us another way with kind but compelling reminders.
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