Part Liturgy, Poetry, and Prayer

Sheltering Mercy is a very unique book. Part liturgy, poetry, and prayer, this book offers a new journey through the Psalms and promises to enrich your relationship with God by doing so.

Let me back up a little. What do we know about the Psalms? Well, it's definitely one of the most accessible books of the Bible, and the Psalms have inspired many songs and prayers. What Sheltering Mercy does is create a sort of Biblical-based prayer or meditation based on the first 75 Psalms; not re-writing them verbatim and not providing an explanation, but rather responding to the passage in a scripture-rich way. 

First, I just want to address the outward beauty of this book. I was drawn to the timeless nature of the cover, but this feeling is carried throughout the book, from the font to illustrations sprinkled throughout. It all works really well with the feeling this book evokes upon reading. 

Second, I found this book was a great resource during my devotional time as a form of prayer and understanding of the Bible. Although this book would be great for any season, I found it very helpful during lent especially, as part of a daily practice. It's easy to meditate on these passages, as well as just pray them aloud. And I didn't feel uncomfortable (like I have for some other prayer books), because so much of the text is drawn from other parts of scripture, and referenced in the footnotes. 

I loved the nature of this book and what it has to offer—it's different from other devotionals out there, and offers a very rich scriptural experience. Plus, I'm excited that this only goes to Psalm 75, so we have volume two to look forward to next! 

Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. 


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