This Bible Will Encourage You to Read the Word

Okay, I admit, I have enough floral Bibles to last a lifetime. But I'm not sorry--there are just too many good options available!

A few years ago, I had the opportunity to review the Woman's Study Bible in NKJV. Taking it out of the box, it was one of the most beautiful Bibles I've ever seen. When I opened it, it just got better. I've had the same wonderful experience opening this Woman's Study Bible (in NIV).

Though a Bible is always so much more than its cover, this Bible is also beautiful. Pretty navy-themed floral imagery on the cover is carried throughout the Bible, and an attractive, modern font heads the different chapters and sections.

And it's packed with additional information and study material. While Bibles with just plain scripture are beneficial in their own right, this Bible features so many extras to make it something truly special and personal.

Just a few of the extras include:
  • Marriage Covenant
  • Family Tree
  • Quotes that apply to the text
  • Articles specific to women (at the start of the Bible)
  • Study resources, like book intros and lots of call-out boxes with interesting information to help understanding
  • Biographical portraits of over 100 Biblical women
  • An index, maps, and notes at the back
  • Generous footnotes on nearly every page to further unpack scripture
If you're looking for a fashionable study Bible and a little motivation to get into the Word, pick up this Bible. The beauty will draw you in and the text (and extra study material) will keep you there.

Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.


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