A Keen Adventure of Two Exciting Sisters

Whew! I feel like I just went on a journey from Chicago to the Sinai Desert all the way across the Atlantic Ocean.

Where We Belong is an adventure from start to finish. Our main characters are Victorian sisters Rebecca and Flora Hawes. Raised by their widowed father, they have had the opportunity to be educated and become adventurous travelers. The book's main plot is based in the Sinai Desert, where the sisters are venturing in search of an ancient biblical manuscript--accompanied by their young butler and lady's maid (both with interesting backstories of their own). The book travels between the desert adventure to each character's past journeys that united them and formed them. It's an interesting writing style and kept me interested as the characters' stories each came to light.

While I've heard a lot about Lynn Austin, this is the first book I've picked up from her. I really enjoyed this exciting, multi-faceted tale, but I also liked her gentle writing style. She's created an exciting world to get lost in and enjoy.

The book was also on-point spiritually. I really appreciated how God was not just an add-on with a few instances of characters praying in the novel. He was a very real part of the story, and the sisters' faith was inspiring to me (even though this is fiction)! I really appreciated how saturated the book was with God and the characters' faith journeys.

If you are into stories of adventure with exciting hi-jinks and heartfelt character growth, pick this one up.

Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.


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