Much More Than a Story or Autobiography - This is a Testimony
Whew. What a journey. I was moved to tears over and over while reading this and I couldn't put it down.
The book starts off while Steven Curtis Chapman is still a kid - one who enjoys making music with his brother and learning from his musical father. The journey quickly progresses into his marriage to Mary Beth Chapman and making his big break in the music industry. Readers learn about the stories behind many songs as well as an intimate look into his family and personal life.
And what a story it is - heart-wrenching at times and full of grief and real-life struggles. But as the title suggests, it also presents joy and hope. Between Heaven & the Real World is much more than a story or autobiography - this is a testimony, and the spiritual side of life permeates the pages. I learned so much just from reading this book and absorbing Steven Curtis Chapman's journey.
I think one reason this book is so good is simply his tone. It comes through from the very first page - honest, wise, and totally humble. It's real - it's not always an easy read. But it's so, so inspiring and touching. It was truly wonderful to learn more about one of my favorite artists and get an honest telling of their story.
This is a great book - and not just for Steven Curtis Chapman fans - anyone will feel inspired and encouraged by his journey.
For more on Steven Curtis Chapman, check out:
Twitter: @StevenCurtis
Facebook: @stevencurtischapman
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You can also order the book off Amazon, Barnes&Noble, and Chapters/Indigo as well as
Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.
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