More Fun Than Candy!
A. As a child, they are more fun than candy (that is saying something).
B. They actually sneakily teach you something while you complete the activities.
I really hope Zondervan releases a bunch of these around other Biblical stories, because I'm already hooked. The activity covers the story of Easter, from Palm Sunday to the Crucifixion and Resurrection. Whether colouring, a "spot the difference," spelling, tracing the object, or using one of the 50 reusable stickers, each page is filled with a new, fun activity.
With kid-friendly illustrations, the Easter story is really accessible (and, dare I say, exciting and fun) for children of all ages. Some of the activities vary in skill level, but I think ages 3 and up would have really enjoy it. I, for one, am really excited to share this with a certain nephew and niece this Easter and see the wonder in their eyes as they learn to love Jesus' story.
Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
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