Wisdom Straight From God's Word

God's Wisdom and Promises
I love books like this. This little hardcover book is the perfect resource to have on your night table or bookshelf for when you're in trouble.

The idea of this book is to have something to turn to when you are faced with trials--the layout of the book is 1. a challenge or situation and 2. God's wisdom and promises to rely on in that situation. The wisdom and promises are straight from God's Word, making this book an excellent resource when you aren't sure where to look in the Bible.

Some topics include:
  • God's Promises that Jesus is Your... (Companion, Savior, Security, Sufficiency)
  • What The Bible Says About... (Gossip, Serving God, Eternity)
  • How to Let God Guide You in Your Relationships (With Your Spouse, With Your Friends, With Your Church)
  • God's Promises for When You Need (Courage, Peace, Confidence, Love)
I really love the look and feel of this book - it would be a great gift book for a young man searching for God's wisdom and desiring to get more in the Word. All the scripture is in NKJV, which I also appreciate.

Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.


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